It is important to take your place on the market and raise your profile prior to the marketing phase. In a market as competitive as the real estate world, you have to know how to position yourself in the right place and at the right time. This is particularly important for new neighbourhoods, or cities in the midst of change, as may be the case for the Grand Paris project.


Creating a positive impression of the project

Beyond the objectives of pre-marketing and the fundraising that this entails, raising your profile can have additional benefits, too. It’s about setting up a positive, healthy climate in the neighbourhood and attracting initial customers.

You should start by drawing attention to the inhabitants and businesses in the neighbourhood to create a climate of trust. The important thing is to gain acceptance of the development, the site and the changes it includes. Local residents may be resistant to the arrival of a real estate development in their area. On the surface, it’s true that it has many disadvantages. The restructuring of a neighbourhood, construction work – sometimes on the road too, and a noisy and dirty site, all of which generate several months/years of daily disruption. Inhabitants are quick to overlook and reject any of the positive things that the development may bring them. Surrounding businesses see the arrival of potential competition, depending on the type of development (a mixed residential/commercial development for example). It is up to the developer’s marketing team to overcome their doubts and open their eyes to the benefits. This way the project can avoid appeals from local residents, delays in accepting building permits, and many other obstacles to the build. There is only conflict when one of the parties doesn’t see any personal benefit, so it is up to the developers to help them discover this.


Adapting marketing messages

The developer’s marketing team must therefore send a very simple message: this is more than just a project over several months; it will bring added value and benefits to the neighbourhood for the long term. Using the various resources and materials, developers need to show that the building will be an asset for the area and the town/city as a whole. Its architecture can harmonise the aesthetics of the neighbourhood, and future businesses can make life easier for residents. Roads can be improved, and signage made more efficient. New residents can join the neighbourhood community. Commercial and residential buildings can bring new customers to existing businesses. So there are clearly many arguments in favour of the real estate development being built round the corner. The key is to manage to get these across, and gain people’s approval and acceptance.

In order to communicate the most convincing messages, the developer needs to know their environment, the region and its strengths. This will make the message all the more personalised and convincing. Because, make no mistake, this is not just about appealing to future buyers but to the residents of the neighbourhood, too. The latter can turn out to be valuable allies as well as difficult enemies. The added benefit is that you could even acquire potential leads by word of mouth. It’s a marketing technique as old as the world.


Establishing a presence in the neighbourhood

To gain acceptance in the local area, and make sure your message is heard, you need to know how to listen to that of others. Simply by being present in the area, the developer can be accepted more easily. Listening to the residents’ concerns and getting to know the life and soul of the neighbourhood is a key asset. To do this, an on-site sales office will not be enough. You need to participate in the daily life of the area by attending events, providing opportunities for dialogue in the town hall, and being reachable if local residents need answers…

Concerns and reluctance often stem from a lack of understanding of the project and its developer. The key to dealing with this sense of mistrust is to be approachable and attentive.